The CSE department has a Linux login server as a way to work in a Linux environment without changing anything on your local computer. Access to the login server is also required for some classes. The server is currently running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Running CPU-intensive applications is not permitted.
The login server can be accessed via SSH. The login server has two hosts: and Use your CSE account credentials to login. After 3 failed login attempts, your IP will be banned for 1 hour. If this occurs, notify a sysadmin to get your IP unbanned.
ssh <username>
A SSH server can present a PKI public key to identify itself. Upon first connecting to a server, the ssh client will warn you that the authenticity of the host can't be established. This message is normal and allows you to verify the server. The following values are legitimate:
If the fingerprint given while connecting is anything else than shown above cancel connecting and notify a sysadmin.
All your files made or worked on in the login server will remain on there. If you want these files downloaded to your computer or you want to upload files from your computer to your linux home directory you can use the secure copy command from your terminal likeso:
# Upload to server:
scp <file path> <username><new file path>
# Download from server:
scp <username><file path> <new file path>
If you are using Windows and want to run it through PuTTY replace scp
with pscp -scp
When entered these will prompt for your CSE account password before copying the file. Keep in mind these commands as written above need to be run from your local terminal while not logged into the Linux server.
Here are some quick fixes you can try on your own if connecting to the login server is not working.
Linux command (run in a terminal): resolvectl flush-caches
Windows command (run in Command Prompt): ipconfig /flushdns
For MacOS the methods vary a lot by version. Contact us if you have trouble.